October 8, 2015

  • Liar, liar.

    It takes one to know one
    Spit that out into the fire
    Press rewind; erase the tape.
    For quality and training purposes; hide
    Behind Halloween masks or prying eyes
    Understand I have understood you before
    Looking in the mirror lies, lies,lies
    I know this dance better than you
    I am a mountain, unmoved by these shiny things
    I know what it feels like to breathe a lie,
    Intoxicating sympathy without need for proof
    But the puppet master can tell when you're pulling
    My strings are sharp like razor wire
    And all you'll do is bleed a little rainstorm
    Drip drip drip
    Right down to the hook you thought you had in my back
    I hope you'll just see the door.